Latest Changelog Updates (Click here to see full changelog)
30 January 2025 (13:02) Our windows client now has music soundtrack.
28 December 2024 (09:17) A collection of screenshots of the history of the server will be in our website for our 5th Anniversary. Send your suggested screenshot in the photos/videos section of our discord server.
28 December 2024 (08:25) Premium Accounts have been introduced to our server. Support the server for more years of fun!
21 December 2024 (10:57) Shiny Stone now may give you Tibia Coins.
21 December 2024 (10:56) Asralius and Aldo now recharge your items for Tibia Coins. You can still enchant gems and recharge your items. Paulie NPC no longer sells gems.
hello world!
[#7] 20 May 2023 (22:00) by Francisco Fonseca - 2023 Summer Update

It is been really hard for me to take this decision but after experimenting diverse ways of gameplay we agreed that the best way to keep going in a more professional way was nerfing the customized content to Cipsoft's Tibia standars, another important update is that we will no longer tolerate boting in our server game, we also have reset our players level, skills and money in order to begin a new era where we aim to take our product to a more professional level.Understand this changes were necessary to bring quality and professionalism to our game, we cannot just let it die.

I want to give a warm welcome to our new gamemasters who will be in charge of banning bots and maintain the server balance, punish abuses and incorrect behavior from players. Please be polite and respectful to them as they will ensure you can enjoy a competitive and fair gameplay from now on.

Our game is also being updated with new zones now and then such as the Dark World Dungeons, most of them created by our amazing mapper Yaba Daba Dooh, we keep working in fresh content to keep the game fresh and challenging with the quality that characterize our server game.

During 5 months of shop this year we have reached the magic number of $ 84,365.00 MXN I cannot thank you enough for your donations, thanks to your contributions we have ensured many more years of fun in our server game. Special Thanks to this year top Donator Zeglin, thanks to him we moved to a new server game with a more powerful CPU which allow us a faster save and bigger map worlds. During  3 years online our server has reached the magic number of $ 328,231.00 MXN which small amounts have been donated to charity in the past. I will keep investing in adds for our game and working hard to bring you the best RPG quality experience.

For our 3th anniversary we will have an special event starting in June 21 with special surprises! Stay tuned for further information!


I hope you can join us in this new season and stay with us to see what the future has in store for us,
Francisco Fonseca

This is a fanmade game by Francisco Fonseca. Please, play and support Cipsoft's Tibia at 
Copyright Cipsoft GmbH. All rights reserved. Tibia is a registred trademark of Cipsoft GmbH.

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