Game Rules


a) Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text will lead to the BANISHMENT of your account(s).

b) Insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable statements will lead to the BANISHMENT of your account(s).

c) Statements that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the rules will lead to the BANISHMENT of your account(s).


a) Manipulating the official client program or using additional software to play the game may lead to the DELETION of your account(s).

b) Sharing or trading your account data will lead to the DELETION of your account(s).

c) Intentionally giving wrong or misleading information in reports about rule violations, complaints, bug reports or support requests may end in the banishment or even DELETION of your account(s).

d) Publishing clearly wrong information about or calling a boycott against Rookgaard Tales or its services will lead to the DELETION of your account(s).

e) Pretending to be a representative of Rookgaard Tales or to have legitimation or powers will lead to the DELETION of your account(s).

f) Bug exploit may end in the banishment or even DELETION of your account(s).

g) Stealing other players' account or personal data will be punished with the DELETION of your account(s).

h) Attacking, disrupting or damaging the operation of Rookgaard Tales server, the game or any other part of the services will lead to the DELETION of your account(s) and banishment of your IP(s).


a)There is no compensations of any kind in-game death loss, re-rolls or database crashes.

b)Due to the nature of virtual goods, there is no refund policy for purchases. Any kind of refund at payment methods will lead to the DELETION of your account(s).

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