Latest Changelog Updates (Click here to see full changelog)
24 July 2024 (10:32) Ruthless Seven Area are now no log out zone.
24 July 2024 (08:05) After today's save Vengoth Castle prison will be a huge new hunting respawn for higher levels with more creatures.
24 July 2024 (08:05) Clint crafting buged IDs fixed after today's save.
24 July 2024 (07:55) Yalel's raid now has a display message. So you can go challenge him when he appears.
24 July 2024 (07:54) Nando cooldown to trade items is now montly. This is to avoid breaking the shop again.
hello world!
[#4] 31 May 2021 (01:41) by Francisco Fonseca - 2021 Spring Update

The Spring Update has just been released, so let's briefly look at the new features and content which are in store for you:

Game recived a massive update, the client now includes all of the newest Cipsoft's Tibia sprites. This means I will be able to create hundred of new areas, quests, secrets and content for you. However this will require some time to do but don't worry, game will be expanded periodically with content as I can find time to work in the project.

Remember I have a real life and it is kinda hard for me to test everything before releasing, but if you find any issue or something doesn't feel alright don't rage, just send me a message and I can adjust it for a better gameplay.

Game will keep balancing due the introduction of new weapons in quest which may be a possible cause of disbalance. I will try not to cause an hiperinflation or any other of the Cipsoft's Tibia mistakes.

New event massive quests will be introduced for higher levels while the Dark World mapping is finished, also the store will be expanded periodicaly with new items, outfits and mounts.


I hope you enjoy the new update,
Francisco Fonseca

This is a fanmade game by Francisco Fonseca. Please, play and support Cipsoft's Tibia at
Copyright Cipsoft GmbH. All rights reserved. Tibia is a registred trademark of Cipsoft GmbH.

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