Summons Guide
Summons Guide

There are 12 deity summons Alexander, Bahamut, Carbuncle, Cerberus, Diablos, Ifrit, Knightmare, Leviathan, Quezacotl, Shiva, Titan and Eden.

Each Summon is omnipresent and possesses special characteristics, they can appear in multiple forms as mighty autonomous energy bodies. Summons exist in specific energy fields and can reside within objects and living organisms.

If you ever happen to have one, you can enchance It's powers. Long-term junctioning causes memory loss because the summons draws power from the same section of the mind that stores memories.

This brief guide explains how to junction with deity summons and how to increase their power, also an explantation of how their magic spells and how to control them.

Getting Your First Summon Item

The easiest way to obtain a summon is completing a trial at the ruins of Quezacotl Temple. Under the ruins an schizophrenic spirit holds the essence of the Gods contained in five diferent objects: the Soul Contract, the Sacred Earth, the Frost Charm, the Eternal Flames and the Quetzal Flute.

To unlock the entrace to the temple ruins you requiere a team of four players, each one with a diferent vocation you will also requiere a jagged sword, a bow, a scorcher wand and a chiller rod. Those items can be purchased with Vascalir NPC at the Royal Tibian Adventurers Academy. You will also need basic dungeon explorer equiprment such as rope, shovel, pick and machete.

Before reaching the Boss room a Demon Gate will prevent you from passing unless you give him 3 pieces of white deer skin. You can hunt white deers every weekend in the Rookgaard plains, but watch out they will be protected by elves.

The Vocation Quest

The Vocation Quest

Make sure your team is complete and remember: four players of each vocation and their main begginer weapon are required which can be purchased with Vascalir NPC at the Royal Tibian Adventurers Academy.

To start this quest you must reach the docks first. Follow the path from the village as shown in the image and you will find the docks, once you reach the docks don't use the ladder, keep going foward until you see a small boat in the southern edge of the wooden bridge, under the sign.

Find the Spot

Find the Spot

You will reach an small island. There is a secret spot there as shown in the image. Use your shovel to reveal the hole.

How would I find this you say? The summon Carbuncle can notify players when there is a secret nearby, however for this time we will spoil the content of the quest for you.

The Path for the Ruins

The Path for the Ruins

Follow the path as shown in the image to reach the temple ruins. You will need your machete to clear your path through the tall grass.

You may find some tortoises but It should not be a challange for you and your team.

The Puzzle

The Puzzle

Keep walking to the east until you see a magic force field, step in and keep going east until you find a room with a dead end. Here you will find a small puzzle, you need to set in the correct position the items and players, then a player must pull the lever to proceed.

You can find clues to solve the puzzle in the bookcases of the room.

The Demon Gate

The Demon Gate

Follow the path as shown in the image. You will encounter many kind of lizard people foes. When you reach to the flag icon, you will encounter a Demon Gate.

Use the keyword "pass" to access the Boss room, the Demon Gate is a hungry spirit he will demand 3 pieces of white deer skin to each player in order to let you through.

The Boss Room

The Boss Room

Once you are in the boss room you will find 4 orange floor tiles mark the position where each player must stand, then the player next to the corrupted crystal must use the crystal in order to start the boss battle. Be careful, some undeads roam the area.

Kusaregedo, the corrupted

Kusaregedo, the corrupted

An evil spirit is infecting Quezacotl Temple with corruption. You have to defeat him in order to purify the zone. Watch Out! He will summon evil spirits and sometimes the aid from the Gods that he controls!

If your team defeated Kusaregedo, each one of you will recieve a message in red. You must go check your depot in order to see what is your reward.

There is a chance he will drop the objects that contain the essence of the Gods, which are the Soul Contract, the Sacred Earth, the Frost Charm, the Eternal Flames and the Quetzal Flute.

If you weren't lucky enough you can always try the next day.

How to Junction with a Summon

Knightmare, the Guardian

Knightmare, the Guardian

In order to convince Knightmare to bring you aid, you simply have to sign the Soul Contract. Now a part of Knightmare soul lives within your brain. There is a small chance of Knightmare refusing signing the contract.

Knightmare will aid you in combat and protect you from enemies by using challenge magic spell.

Quezacotl, God of Wisdom

Quezacotl, God of Wisdom

In order to convince Quezacotl to bring you aid, you simply have to play the Quetzal flute in the altar of the ruins you were earlier, just before entering the magic force field.

Quezacotl will aid you in combat and electrify enemies every time you hit them with an energy elemental weapon.

The Path of Titan

The Path of Titan

To convince Titan to join your party, you must find the Earth Shirne first which is hidden in the northern part of Rookgaard Island.

Follow the path as shown in the image, once you are there use your pick in the ground to discover a secret hole and climb down. You will need the Levitate Magic Spell to go further down. There will be a few slimes in the way, so be prepared.

Titan, the Giant

Titan, the Giant

Once you are down you will see the Earth Shrine. Step closer to it, and you will have a chance to summon Titan. Else a message from Titan will appear and you will have to try again another day.

The power of Titan is not fully unlocked yet, so it will not posses a greater challenge trying junction with him. Use your Sacred Earth on him for a chance to junction with him succesfully.

Titan will aid you in combat and poison enemies every time you hit them with an earth elemental weapon. He will also buff the power of your healing items and cast mass healing spell on your party.

The Path of Ifrit

The Path of Ifrit

To convince Ifrit to join your party, you must find the Fire Shirne first which is hidden in the eastern part of Rookgaard Island.

Follow the path as shown in the image, once you are there use your shovel to open a hole in the eastern part of the cave then climb down, use a scythe to clear the path to your east and keep walking until you see a dragon corpse. You will need a destroy field rune to remove the fire from the floor north from the dragon corpse, then use your pick to reveal a secret hole.

Ifrit, the Infernal

Ifrit, the Infernal

Now just walk south to reach the Fire Shrine. Step closer to it, and you will have a chance to summon Ifrit. Else a message from Ifrit will appear and you will have to try again another day.

The power of Ifrit is not fully unlocked yet, so it will not posses a greater challenge trying junction with him. Use your Eternal Flames on him for a chance to junction with him succesfully.

Ifrit will aid you in combat and burn enemies every time you hit them with a fire elemental weapon.

The Path of Shiva

The Path of Shiva

To convince Shiva to join your party, you must find the Ice Shirne first which is hidden in the eastern part of Rookgaard Island.

Enter the cave and you will meet some bears, keep going down until you find rocks blocking the way, use your pick to break the stones and then go downstairs again. You will meet an icy area, keep walking west until you find a stone pile very close to an ice hut. Watch Out! Crabs and Blood Crabs will roam the area.

Shiva, The empress of Ice

Shiva, The empress of Ice

Use your shovel in the stone pile and go down, there you will see the Ice Shrine. Step closer to it, and you will have a chance to summon Shiva. Else a message from Shiva will appear and you will have to try again another day.

The power of Shiva is not fully unlocked yet, so it will not posses a greater challenge trying junction with her. Use your Frost Charm on her for a chance to junction with her succesfully.

Shiva will aid you in combat and freeze enemies every time you hit them with an ice elemental weapon.

How to Level Up your Summon

Before you start make sure you vist Seymour at the Royal Tibian Adventurers Academy, greet him and then use the keyword "amnesia greens" he will ask you for 20 potatoes and 50 carniphila seeds and 20 bloody pincers.

The potatoes can be purchased with Livielle NPC every Monday at the western side of the Rookgaard Village, the carniphila seeds can be looted from carniphilas at the training centre at the Academy and the bloody pincers can be looted from blood crabs which can be found in the area leading to the Ice Shrine, explained earlier in this guide.

Seymour will give you a "headache pill" which will be required for the next steps in this guide.

Saving a Prisoner

Saving a Prisoner

To level up your summons you need to rescue an Academy Teacher, she is caged at the Rookgaardian Orc Fortress, Follow the path as shown in the image to locate a cage of A Crazy Girl NPC, the spot is marked with a Flag icon. In weekends the orcs hide her under the dungeons of the Rookgaardian Orc Fortress, if this is the case explore with your pick at the fortress back area the spot is marked with a "?" icon. You may also need several tools named "Lock Pick" to unlock the door if you don't have the key yet.

Greet A Crazy Girl NPC and use the keyword "candy". You must carry a headache pill with you. As she is not in her mind properly she will eat the medicine without doubt thinking of it as a candy.

Once she eats the medicine she will recover her mind for a while, use the keyword "spell" in order to ask you to reach you magic spells. She will ask you to scout her to the Academy in the Village in order to reach her classroom and teach you magic properly.

A Crazy Girl NPC will blow the cage with magic and a lot of Orcs will spawn in the area to prevent you rescue her, so you gotta be ready to heal A Crazy Girl NPC, if she dies you will have to wait to the next day to try again.

Scout to the Village

Scout to the Village

Follow the path as shown in the image to scout A Crazy Girl NPC to the village. Once you are in the village enter the academy and she will be waiting at the Academy classrooms downstairs, north from depot.

Greet A Crazy Girl NPC and say the name of the summon you wish to level up. She will ask you for the required items to level up your summon. You can level up your summon up to level 4. A Crazy Girl NPC can also teach you some forbidden magic spells.

The remaining Summons

The exact location of the rest of the Summons is yet unkown, however keep in mind that long term Junction with multiple Summons may have negative side effects in your character such as memory loss or even mental disorder.

Some deities will require you to prove your might in battle, which will not be easy so make sure to create good relations with other players. It is way easier to face challenges in groups!

May the grace of the Gods be always with you! Good Luck!

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