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Magic Spells Guide

Spells are magical syntaxes that, once cast, will consume some mana in order to produce the desired effect.

All spells require a certain amount of mana every time they are used, and also have a minimum level requirement. In addition to these restrictions, some spells can only be used by certain vocations.

You cannot use spells too rapidly, as the client will tell you that you are exhausted if you try to cast a spell too often.

The skills of the magic user have a direct impact upon the effectiveness of most spells and runes. While your Magic Level has the largest impact upon the effect of spells, it is also effected by your level, but to a lesser degree.

There are three types of spells: Instant Spells, which give a direct result, Rune Spells, which turn a Blank Rune into a spell rune and Summon spells which calls a juntioned summon for support or battle.

The Magic Spells

Check all of the available Magic Spells

Check all of the available Magic Spells

Before choosing a vocation, it's a good idea to review all the available Magic Spells. Once you've made your decision, this guide will become even more helpful. For more information about Summon Spells, please refer the Summons guide.

Greet any spell teacher npc and use the keyword "spells" in order to check which spell you can learn from them. Some magic and magic spell teacher NPCs are meant to be secret and will not be shown in this guide, so who knows you may even discover new kinds magic while exploring the game.

House Magic Spells

Players have the option to rent a house for storing items and sleeping. Leaders of a Guild also have the ability to rent a Guildhall for everyone in their guild to call home.

Every house owner can manage their house using in-game house spells. The house owner always has ultimate access to the house in every way, but all other characters must be assigned a certain right before they can use it.

Characters that are invited to a house can enter anywhere they can reach. If a door is closed, only those with the right to that door can open/close it. However, if the door is open, anyone with an invitation can enter.

Every player can cast House spells, however there is a level requierment to own a House. To consult the spells you can use, visit Norma NPC north from the Academy and use the keyworld "spells".

Regular Magic Spells

Regular Magic Spells

Regular magic spells are learnt by any vocation. If you decided to play without choose a vocation there are even some magic spells available for you.

You can learn regular magic spells for any vocation from Asralius NPC at the Library Vault of the Royal Tibian Adventurers Academy.

Regular Magic Spells

Paladin Magic Spells

Paladins are quite capable in magic, masters of long-range combat, well-balanced between weapons and magic.

You can learn magic spells for paladins from Tom NPC at his tanner store, west from the Royal Tibian Adventurers Academy.

You can also learn holy magic spells for paladins from Cipfried NPC at the Temple.

Knight Magic Spells

Knight Magic Spells

As a result of their greater physical strength than other vocations, more defense and more capacity points, knights are severely lacking in terms of magical habilities.

You can learn magic spells for knights with Dallheim or Zerbrus NPCs at any of the village bridges.

Knight Magic Spells
Sorcerer Magic Spells

Sorcerer Magic Spells

Sorcerers are masters of destructive, offensive and aggressive magic. They have access to a vast array of combat spells and command the powers of fire, energy and death, which they can use to deal impressive damage to multiple enemies at once. They also can buff party memebers skills to deal massive damage in group hunts.

Because of their focus on the training of the mind, they are physically weaker than knights and paladins, and as such, have little capacity points.

You can learn magic spells for sorcerers from Lily NPC at his potion store, south west from the Temple, close to the southern village bridge.

Druid Magic Spells

Druid Magic Spells

Druids are masters of nature and healing magic. Nature can heal and protect, but can also cause widespread destruction. As such, druids command the powers of ice and earth to punish those who oppose the natural order.

Like sorcerers, druids are weak physically and have little capacity points.

You can learn magic spells for druids from Lily NPC at his potion store, south west from the Temple, close to the southern village bridge.

Rune Magic Spells

Rune Magic Spells

A rune is essentially a magic spell, stored in a stone. Each type of rune requires a different minimum level and magic level to use.

Runes can be further sub categorized into 5 basic component forms. Attack, Healing, Support, Summon and Field. To create a rune, simply speak the spell words while having a blank rune anywhere in your bag or backpack.

You can learn magic spells for sorcerers from Garamond NPC at Royal Tibian Adventurers Academy Classrooms. Garamond has a busy life in mainland so he may not be everyday in the classroom.

Healing Magic Spells

Healing Magic Spells

Healing magic spells are fundamental for your character. It depends of every vocation what kinds of healing spells you can learn.

You can learn healing magic spells from Hyacinth NPC his home is at the small hill north-east from the village. Hyacinth NPC can also teach you some support magic.

Secret Magic Spells

Secret Magic Spells

If you explore enough the vast world, you will end meeting plenty of NPCs, some of them with deep lore linked to secrets.

That said, perhaps you will be the one one of the firsts who discovers new magic spells.

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