Latest Changelog Updates (Click here to see full changelog)
24 July 2024 (10:32) Ruthless Seven Area are now no log out zone.
24 July 2024 (08:05) After today's save Vengoth Castle prison will be a huge new hunting respawn for higher levels with more creatures.
24 July 2024 (08:05) Clint crafting buged IDs fixed after today's save.
24 July 2024 (07:55) Yalel's raid now has a display message. So you can go challenge him when he appears.
24 July 2024 (07:54) Nando cooldown to trade items is now montly. This is to avoid breaking the shop again.
hello world!
[#1] 21 June 2020 (23:14) by Francisco Fonseca - Welcome to Rookgaard Tales!

My name is Francisco Fonseca, I am from Mexico and I would like to invite you to play Rookgaard Tales. I spent more than 12 years programming this game, I really put my heart into this project. This server respects the original feeling of Rookgaard, adding many new secrets and new adventures for you to enjoy. If you like Rookgaard, come and play with us! I promise you a lot of fun!

This server is 100% Free. If you want to support the server keep on mind that you won't recive any kind of benefit. ALL of the money will be used on the monthly VPS rent

Server Features:
No pay to win
No botting allowed
No multiclient allowed
RPG Server
Hunting Tasks
All items work just like real Tibia!
All outfits, addons and mounts can be obtained through quests / items!
New creatures!
New quests, including classic ones and new surprises!
New weapons!
New zones to level up faster!
Bank system!
Crafting system!
Lumberjack system!
Mining system!
Spell learning system!
Summon system!
Wedding system!
Improved fishing!
Rare Spawns / Bosses!
Revamped areas!
NPCs from the mainland visit the island giving access to more adventures!
Many new mysteries!
Quality of content, and much more surprises!


In memory of my cat Virgilia, thanks for all the purrs
This is a non-profit fanmade game by Francisco Fonseca. Please, play and support Cipsoft's Tibia at 
Copyright Cipsoft GmbH. All rights reserved. Tibia is a registred trademark of Cipsoft GmbH.

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