The Winter Update has just been released, so let's briefly look at the new features and content which are in store for you:
You may now level up your weapons with materials obtained by disassembling armor or weapons with NPCs, iridium (low level material), ceratanium (medium level material), mythirl (high level material) and dark matter (extremely rare material). Also you may now use a giant smithhammer to dissamble your high level equipment. Mythril and dark matter can be exchanged for Tibia Coins (Donation Points). We have one more way to earn points without donate!
Farming has been introduced to the game you may use the server farms to raise animals like cows, horses, chickens, pigs, sheeps and even have pet dogs or cats. You can plant seeds and sell your harvests aswell!
Fishing has been improved you may now fish more items from the sea with the mechanical fishing rod or even catch monsters with the regular fishing rod!
Mining has been improved with more valuable minerals to sell aswell, with all this new features together the life of your character can improve much better than before and also have more depth and strategies to hunt!
We have new hunts in both light and dark world aswell! Special thanks to our mapper Juan Sánchez for the amazing mapping job as always!
During the last 12 months the server made the magic number of $173,499.00 MXN plus direct bank transfer donations that ascend around $ 15,000.00 MXN! We have broken our records this year! - Our bills have been increased too as we now have a more powerful server without lag while saving or backup our database. We no longer delete inactive accounts as the server is powerful enough to save the entire database while you guys are playing without experience lag at all. I want to give special thanks to our top contributors this year players Zeglin and Pango San for their amazing support and aswell to the rest of the community for their contributions!
No donations to charity were made at this time. I can't Thank You enough for your support, we are ready for more years of fun in Rookgaard Tales!
I wish you a Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoy the new update,
Francisco Fonseca

This is a fanmade game by Francisco Fonseca. Please, play and support Cipsoft's Tibia at Copyright Cipsoft GmbH. All rights reserved. Tibia is a registred trademark of Cipsoft GmbH.